Tag: T shaped Literacy

Unfamiliar Text

LI: to make sense of an unfamiliar text

This week we have been looking at the making sense of an unfamiliar text. We looked at the title of the poem and made predictions of what the poem was about. We then read the poem and changed our original predictions. We then unpacked the poem, using our prior knowledge to make meaning 

I found this activity good because I learn lots of facts about the poem and what happend in austrailia in the 1800s 

Mood and Atmosphere – Language Features


LI: To identify how authors use language features to create mood and atmosphere in a text

We have been exploring the ways writers use words to create mood and atmosphere in a text. Our group used a text we read in class called Hami Grace’s Diary. This text describes what life was like for Hami Grace as a soldier in WW1 who was waiting for his chance top fight in the war. You can see the ways the author used different language features to create mood and atmosphere in this text by looking at the examples we have highlighted and explained in our DLO.

My favourite example in the text we read was when he used irony because it showed what was happening and what he was really thinking.

I  found this pretty hard because I didn’t understand the language features



LI: To make an informed opinion 

A provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the experiences of the men of Te Hokowhitu – a – tu, the first Maori Battalion in WW1. These men had very different experiences to the men who sign up today. Our challenge throughout this unit has been to answer the question: Should the men of the native contingent have had the right to prove their mettle at the front? 

Learning Conversations


LI: To discuss a text we have read 

Who might have designed the crest of the taiaha and tewhatewha, crossed through a crown for the first Maori Contingent?

Why do you think these symbols may have been chosen?

Do you think the men of the Pioneer Maori battalion saw themselves represented in their crest?


Learning conversation recording.



Over the last few weeks we have been learning how to have a learning conversation in our reading groups. We use this time to talk about the texts we have read and show how we understand. We have been trying hard to use information in the text to help us show others why we think the way we do. An example I am proud of is…. Our challenge has been to include everyone in the group so that we keep the talk going. 

I think I am good at reading but I still need to work on learning the words.