Tag: Careers

Vision Board

LI: To set and visualise our goals for 2022: Careers

A vision board helps us to visualise our goals and what we want to achieve. This is a part of our Careers learning as we know we will need to be setting goals to help us achieve the career goals we want to achieve in the future.

My board shows My family, Sport that i want to play, Learn all my times table and addition and more, Have a good report and reach 100 blog post this year. 

This activity was challenging because I want to achieve these goals

CARE Values Vision Board

LI: To visualise our how we will follow the PBS CARE values to help us achieve our goals for 2022

A vision board helps us to visualise our goals and what we want to achieve. Our focus today was to think about how we will use our PBS CARE values to help us achieve the goals we have set for 2022.

My board shows The cares values

This activity fun because i love learning about out school cares