Day: November 15, 2022

Fireworks provacation

LI:To disscus learning conversation about fireworks

This week we did a learning provacation about Fireworks. Me and my group where sharing our opinion about if we should ban fireworks or keep fireworks.

First we made ideas about what bad about fireworks and what good about fireworks. For example: fireworks are good because they can make a stunning views for the viewers and fireworks are bad because it can cause a smoke and chemicals to our enviroment and air.

Second some groups made a learning conversation about sharing their opionion about fireworks.

Lastly we made a DLO about if we should ban or keep fireworks and share our opinion.

This activtity is useful because It can change your opinion.



LI:To learn about informal/formal

This week me and my partner took a look at informal/formal sentences for examples: hello how are you? is informal and Sup are you good is formal.

First we look up what is informal/formal. Infomal is Having a great setences and being friendly tothe guest and formal is talking to people you get you know alot.

Second me and my partner answer to DLO about informal and formal. Lastly we explain and make a DLO about what is informal and formal.