SLJ Week 1 Activity 1 | scavenger hunt

This week the first Summer Learning Journey activity lauched. The activity was created by rocket girl to show how we made our own science toolkit. The following items were pen, pencil, ruler, transparent plastic,a tube, string and cardboard.

I found this activity pretty hard because it was hard to find these following.

Christmas in maori

This week LS2 created a Canva poster about saying something that is related to Christmas and New years in your own language. I picked Maori because it was easy to do and pronouces.

This activity was cool so I can teach people how to say something in my culture.

Mode transport

LI: To correctly draw and label a diagram.

Today we were looking at the change of early and the modern mode of transport. We labeled the different parts of one of the land, sea, rail, and air.
In the Boeing, they have 12 seats for passegners whilst the Emirates have a number of seats for passengers who book their flight.

I found this task interesting because there were a lot of upgrades between the Boeing 80 and Emirates.

An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was that there were a minimum amount of seats (12) in the Boeing 80 made in 1828.


Roman numerals

Roman Numerals were used in the ancient Romans to represent numbers. The characters consits I,V,X,L,C,D, and M they all represent a number that remined Romans about a certain number.

I represents 1, V represents 5, X represents 10, L represents 50, C represents 100, D represents 500, and M represents 1000. If a smaller digit is put first you subtract that many, for example: IV since 1 is infront of 5 is subtracts 1-5 to make 4. When the bigest digit starts off it adds.

I enjoyed this activity I learnt how to understand the Roman Numeral Method with adding and subtracting.

Attempt New Things & Ask for Help

LI: Students will learn that it’s okay to try new things and to ask for help when needed.

For PB4L, we are reminding ourselves why it is important to attempt to do new things and to ask for help. This session encourages students and people so that they can continue doing what they find interest in or so they can improve their academic performance.

I found this task good because it can teach people to never give up. 

Match Girls Strike of 1888

LI: To identify the significance of the Match Girls Strike of 1888.

Today we had a session with David, our PB4L leader. He was teaching us about the match girls strike of 1888. This Strike of 1888 explains the hardships that the match girls went through, this eventually led to a protest trying to raise awareness for women who don’t get appreciate their hard work by not getting paid.

Our group found this task an interesting activity because we never knew what happened to women back then.

An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was is the phossy jaw is a disease comes from the red dust in the matches they make. The impact this makes is probably losing their job or possibly leading to death.

Fireworks provacation

LI:To disscus learning conversation about fireworks

This week we did a learning provacation about Fireworks. Me and my group where sharing our opinion about if we should ban fireworks or keep fireworks.

First we made ideas about what bad about fireworks and what good about fireworks. For example: fireworks are good because they can make a stunning views for the viewers and fireworks are bad because it can cause a smoke and chemicals to our enviroment and air.

Second some groups made a learning conversation about sharing their opionion about fireworks.

Lastly we made a DLO about if we should ban or keep fireworks and share our opinion.

This activtity is useful because It can change your opinion.



LI:To learn about informal/formal

This week me and my partner took a look at informal/formal sentences for examples: hello how are you? is informal and Sup are you good is formal.

First we look up what is informal/formal. Infomal is Having a great setences and being friendly tothe guest and formal is talking to people you get you know alot.

Second me and my partner answer to DLO about informal and formal. Lastly we explain and make a DLO about what is informal and formal.